Is Lane Splitting Legal in Oklahoma?

Clayton T. Hasbrook

Written by Clayton T. Hasbrook. Last modified on October 24, 2024

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400 N Walker Ave #130, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: 405-605-2426

Is Lane Splitting Legal in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, motorcyclists must adhere to strict traffic laws, including lane-splitting regulations. Lane splitting refers to the practice where motorcycles ride between lanes of slower or stopped vehicles. It’s commonly seen as a way for bikers to bypass traffic congestion.

However, Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws do not allow lane splitting. Even if traffic is moving slowly or at a standstill, motorcyclists must stay within their designated lane. This prohibition also applies when traffic is stopped at a red light or in traffic jams.

Although some states have legalized or considered legalizing lane splitting, Oklahoma has not permitted the practice. Violating this rule can result in penalties for the motorcyclist. The law applies to all riders, including those on a police motorcycle or operating an authorized emergency vehicle. Motorcyclists must understand this restriction to avoid fines and keep themselves and other drivers safe.

At Hasbrook & Hasbrook, we help clients stay informed about Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws to ensure they ride safely and within the legal limits.

What Is Lane Splitting?

Lane splitting happens when a motorcycle moves between two lanes of stopped or moving vehicles slower than the posted speed limit. This technique allows motorcyclists to bypass congested traffic.

However, while legal in some states, like California, it remains illegal in others, including Oklahoma. Motorcyclists must remember that the law prohibits them from riding between two lanes of traffic, even if the vehicles are moving slowly or stopped completely.

In states where lane splitting is legal, police motorcycles and civilian riders benefit from this practice, reducing congestion and travel time. However, in Oklahoma, motorcyclists must stay in a single lane, regardless of the posted speed limit or the road conditions.

Riders caught lane splitting can face penalties, so understanding the law is key to avoiding tickets and staying safe on the road.

Lane Splitting Is Not Legal in Oklahoma

Lane Splitting Is Not Legal in Oklahoma

So, is lane splitting legal in Oklahoma? Oklahoma law prohibits lane splitting, meaning that motorcyclists CANNOT pass between lanes of traffic.

While lane filtering (where motorcycles move between lanes at a slower speed) is allowed in some states, Oklahoma does not permit it. This rule applies regardless of the speed limit or whether the traffic is stops or moves.

The decision not to permit lane splitting in Oklahoma stems from concerns about the safety of all drivers on the road. Traffic traveling in multiple lanes can pose a significant risk to motorcyclists if they attempt to maneuver between them.

Even in stopped traffic, lane splitting is not allowed. Motorcyclists must stay within the flow of traffic to avoid legal consequences. These consequences could include fines or even potential injury from unsafe lane changes. Following these rules ensures the safety of both motorcyclists and other drivers.

What Are the Consequences of Lane Splitting in Oklahoma?

Motorcyclists in Oklahoma should be aware of the consequences of lane splitting, as breaking this law can lead to serious repercussions. Penalties for lane splitting in Oklahoma may include:

  • Fines for traffic violations
  • Points added to your driving record
  • Increased insurance premiums
  • Potential license suspension for repeat offenses
  • Legal liability in case of accidents

Riders must follow Oklahoma’s traffic laws to avoid these penalties. Staying in your lane is not only a legal requirement but also a matter of safety for motorcyclists and other road users.

The Top Dangers Posed by Lane Splitting

Motorcyclists who engage in lane splitting face significant risks. The top dangers include:

  1. Increased risk of collisions due to drivers not expecting motorcycles between lanes.
  2. Limited space for maneuvering, which can lead to accidents.
  3. Challenges for drivers in other vehicles to see motorcyclists when they split lanes.
  4. Potential for being caught between two larger vehicles, such as trucks, in tight spaces.
  5. Legal consequences include hefty fines or being held liable for an accident.

These risks make lane splitting dangerous, especially in states where it is not allowed, such as Oklahoma.

Why Do People Split Lanes?

Many motorcyclists use lane splitting to avoid slow-moving traffic or get ahead in congested areas. The appeal of moving between traffic lanes comes from avoiding long waits during rush hour. Lane filtering can also help motorcyclists cut down on travel time. Some riders believe that splitting lanes keeps them safer by lowering the risk of rear-end collisions while they sit in traffic.

However, while the practice may seem convenient, it poses serious safety risks. Lane splitting can startle other drivers, who may not expect a motorcycle to pass them between lanes. This increases the chance of accidents and puts the biker and other drivers at risk.

Riders also split lanes to avoid getting stuck in the same lane as cars in heavy traffic. Moving ahead helps them keep a steady pace without stopping and starting. Motorcyclists sometimes believe that being able to lane split will prevent them from getting hit from behind by distracted drivers.

However, staying in the same lane with cars, especially when unpredictable traffic, makes accidents more likely. Riders should always consider the risks before deciding to lane split.

The Top Safety Tips for Motorcyclists in Oklahoma

The Top Safety Tips for Motorcyclists in Oklahoma


Motorcyclists in Oklahoma can improve their safety by following these tips:

  1. Stay in your designated lane and avoid lane filtering.
  2. Wear protective gear. This includes helmets and reflective clothing to be more visible.
  3. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles. This should be practiced more in heavy traffic.
  4. Always obey Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws to avoid fines and accidents.
  5. Stay aware of the conditions around you, particularly when navigating busy intersections.

By adhering to these safety measures, motorcyclists can reduce their risk of motorcycle accidents and protect themselves on the road.

The Biggest Risks Motorcyclists Face on the Road

Motorcyclists encounter numerous risks while driving on the road. One of the biggest dangers is lane splitting, where motorcyclists ride between vehicles. This practice can lead to accidents, especially when drivers don’t expect motorcycles between lanes. Other risks include poor road conditions, like debris or potholes, which can cause the rider to lose control. 

Motorcycle accidents can also happen when drivers fail to notice motorcycles, especially in blind spots or during lane changes. Speeding and lack of protective gear also increase the chances of serious injuries in accidents.

Because motorcyclists ride in the same direction as traffic, it can be hard for drivers to spot them. Sudden lane changes by cars can surprise a motorcycle rider, leading to accidents. Heavy traffic can also make it hard for riders to stay safe, especially when vehicles are close.

Finally, sharp turns or wet roads increase the chance of losing control, putting riders at risk for accidents and injuries.

What You Should Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Oklahoma

If you’ve been involved in a lane-splitting accident or any other type of motorcycle accident in Oklahoma, take the following steps:

  1. Call the police and report the accident.
  2. Seek medical attention.
  3. Document the scene with pictures and collect contact information from witnesses.
  4. Contact your insurance company about the accident.
  5. Consult with a motorcycle accident lawyer to talk about your legal options.

Following these steps will help protect your rights and ensure you receive fair compensation for injuries or damages sustained.

How Our Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You

How Our Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help You

At Hasbrook & Hasbrook, we have extensive experience handling motorcycle accident cases, including those involving lane splitting.

If you’ve been injured, we can help you build a strong case and seek compensation for your lost income, medical expenses, and other damages. Our attorneys understand the complexities of Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws and will fight to ensure that you receive a fair settlement. 

Contact Our Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Case Consultation

Contact Our Oklahoma Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Case Consultation

If you’ve been involved in a lane-splitting accident or any other motorcycle-related incident, please contact Hasbrook & Hasbrook for a free consultation. We’ll review your case and guide you on how to proceed.

Whether you need help filing a claim or understanding Oklahoma’s motorcycle laws, our attorneys are here. We’ll fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Clayton T. Hasbrook who has years of legal experience as a personal injury lawyer. Our last modified date shows when this page was last reviewed.