
Office Information
Hasbrook & Hasbrook
400 N Walker Ave #130, Oklahoma City, OK
Phone: 405-605-2426
Car Accident InfographicKeeping our roads safe is of the utmost importance. Personal injury attorneys Hasbrook & Hasbrook know exactly how detrimental car accidents can be to physical and mental health. To inform people about the dangers of car accidents, we have created an infographic to give drivers the facts they need about car accidents in Oklahoma and make our roads a safer place.
Private Investigator InfographicPrivate detectives are a timeless staple of crime thrillers and noir films. Everyone knows the routine: the femme fatale saunters into a smoky office on a rainy night, asking Humphrey Bogart if he can track down her cheating spouse who went missing last week. It’s an entertaining depiction, but needless to say, real-life detective work is quite different.
Neck Pain from Car Accidents InfographicData provided by Legal Match shows that neck pain – sometimes known as whiplash – and lower back pain are the most common injuries suffered in car crashes. But you might be surprised to learn the most common car related injury is actually one not related to an accident. According to data published in Forbes and provided by the U.S.
Nursing Home & Elder Abuse InfographicElder abuse is common in Oklahoma and throughout the nation. Every year, thousands of Oklahoma residents are abused, neglected, and exploited by their family members or caregivers employed by nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Many of these victims are frail and vulnerable, and some suffer