400 N Walker Ave #130, Oklahoma City, OK Phone: 405-605-2426
Applying a tint to your car windows in Oklahoma can enhance the vehicle’s appearance and improve your driving experience by reducing glare and heat. However, adhering to the state’s legal guidelines is important to avoid penalties and ensure your safety on the road. The regulations governing window tinting are outlined in the Oklahoma Administrative Code § 260:135-5-70.
VLT% and Tint Darkness:
The darkness of window tints is evaluated based on the Visible Light Transmission (VLT%) percentage. This figure indicates the amount of visible light that can pass through the tint film. In Oklahoma, the legal requirements for window tint darkness vary depending on the window:
- Windshield: A non-reflective tint is permitted above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line, which is usually a strip approximately 5 inches from the top of the windshield.
- Front Side Windows: These windows must allow more than 25% of light to pass through, meaning they must have a VLT% greater than 25.
- Back Side Windows and Rear Window: There are no specific VLT% requirements for these windows; they can have any level of darkness, provided they allow at least 10% light transmission.
Reflectivity and Color Restrictions:
Reflectivity and color of the tint also have specific restrictions:
- Front Side Windows: The reflectivity of tints on these windows cannot exceed 25%. Mirrored or metallic tints that give a reflective appearance are not allowed.
- Back Side Windows and Rear Window: The same reflectivity limit applies to these windows as the front side windows. While there are no explicit color restrictions, using red or amber tints is advised against due to the potential for confusion with emergency and law enforcement vehicles.
Certification and Sticker Requirements:
- Tint Film Certification: In Oklahoma, tint film manufacturers are not required to certify their products. However, vehicle owners are responsible for ensuring their window tint meets state regulations.
- Sticker Requirements: Oklahoma vehicles do not need stickers to indicate compliance with tint laws. Nonetheless, law enforcement may check for compliance during traffic stops.
Medical Exemptions for Window Tinting:
Oklahoma provides medical exemptions for individuals with certain medical conditions that necessitate darker window tints. To qualify, one must present documentation from a licensed physician and obtain approval from the Department of Public Safety. The law includes provisions for an exemption allowing tints darker than 20% if the vehicle is used exclusively during daylight hours.
Penalties for Violating Tint Laws:
Failing to comply with Oklahoma’s window tint laws can result in various penalties:
- Fines: The amount can vary based on the nature of the violation and any previous offenses.
- Vehicle Impoundment: In severe cases, non-compliant vehicles may be impounded.
- Court Appearances: Individuals with repeated violations might be required to appear in court.
- Points on Your License: Accruing points due to violations can lead to a suspension of your driving privileges.
Window Car Tint FAQs
Do tint laws vary by city or county?
The window tint laws are consistent across Oklahoma. However, enforcement and interpretation of these laws may vary slightly in different localities.
How do tint laws apply to out-of-state vehicles?
Vehicles registered in other states are subject to Oklahoma’s tint laws when operating within the state. If the tint complies with stricter regulations in the vehicle’s home state, carrying documentation to prove compliance is advisable.
Do installers need certification?
Selecting a certified installer is wise as it ensures the work meets Oklahoma’s legal window tinting standards.
How much does illegal tint removal cost?
The cost for professional tint removal can range between $50 and $150, influenced by factors such as the vehicle’s size and the extent of the tinting.
What is the AS-1 line on a windshield?
The AS-1 line is a mark found on most vehicle windshields, indicating the area where non-reflective tint can be applied. It’s typically a strip that runs parallel to the top edge of the windshield.
Can I receive a ticket for window tint while parked?
It’s uncommon, but not impossible, to receive a citation for window tint violations while parked. Enforcement typically occurs during traffic stops.
How often should I check my tint for compliance?
It’s a good idea to periodically check your window tint’s compliance with state laws, especially after any modifications or when renewing your vehicle registration.
Are there any exceptions for tinted license plate covers?
Oklahoma law does not permit the use of tinted license plate covers, as they can obstruct the visibility of the license plate.
Can window tint fade or become non-compliant over time?
Yes, window tint can fade or change color over time, potentially becoming non-compliant with state regulations. Regular inspections can help ensure ongoing compliance.